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25 August, 2008

Guys and Gurls,

I have changed my blogskin a.g.a.i.n because all the posts couldn't be loaded since yesterday until now. Hence, this is the new skin I put here. Hope the writing is not too small for everyone (:

Oh did I mention about Olympic's Closing Ceremony at 8pm 24 August 2008?
Yeaaa it seems boring and fugly.

Back to schooooool today, after being lazy for a week. And it was so so so boring.. Full of homework today T_T From school: History, as usual (: Chemistry notes

I skipped tuition yesterday, hence there were loads of works piling here too. Chemistry, Biology and the worst one, Accounts~ I heard from them that yesterday's Biology class was taught by Mr. D-ouglas, and not Leongleong.

Oh why?
Luckily I didn't attend the class yesterday =X

So... After Sis' graduation, we went to Photo Studio for photoshoots~ And here are those old-d-d-d, but beautiful photos^^

Happy Family~ Dad + Mum + Sis + Me Me + Sis

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