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27 October, 2014

Dream Trip to Macau

Life is an adventure. For the past month, I have been travelling around Malaysia and our neighbouring country. In every new place I visit, I always snap zillion shots of photos, and keep counting my blessing for being able to spend my days there. 

Now, courtesy to Macau Government Tourist Office, the lucky few will be going for a 3 days 2 nights trip to Macau! Are you excited? Well, I AM! I have heard of this culture-rich country from lots of my friends, but I have not made my footprint there before...

It is better to see something once than to hear about it a thousand times, don't you agree? That's why I'm secretly hoping Macau to be my next travel destination. The magnificent 400-years-old churches, ancient temples and colonial fortresses are worth visiting especially for avid photographers. I can't imagine how many hundreds of pictures will I take if I were there!

Ruins of St Paul’s (Ruínas de São Paulo / 大三巴牌坊)

Macau may be small but the Historic Centre of Macau featuring over 20 buildings are proudly standing as UNESCO World Heritage sites, how can I not explore these amazing tourist spots and be fascinated by the story behind each and every unique heritage!

 Senado Square (Largo do Senado / 議事亭前地)

Take a mere 10 minutes walk away from St Paul's, and you'll arrive at this most happening paved townsquare in Macau city! Looking at the pictures of Macau alone, I believe it would be an exciting trip to experience the unique touch of Portugal, blended with ancient and modern China.

Macau-Taipa Bridge (Ponte Governador Nobre de Carvalho /嘉樂庇總督大橋)
The nightview here from the oldest bridge in Macau is equally mesmerizing!

The House of Dancing Water

Apart from the happening nightlife, I actually Googled about this truly breathtaking entertainment live show exclusively in Macau! A never-been-seen-before production that combines theater, dance, gymnastic artistry and high-performance diving to present an enchanting cornucopia of water, light, colour and fire. It'd be a once-in-a-lifetime experience that I must try :D

Most popular dessert in Macau: Pastéis de nata (Portuguese egg tarts)

But wherever I go, the food is the most important element among all! Speaking of food in Macau, the first thing that comes into mind is the infamous Macau Portuguese egg tarts which are available at almost every street corner!

Among the varieties of cuisine such as Portuguese, Chinese and international, the Macanese is one that attracts me the most. People say it's a unique blend of southern Chinese and Portuguese cuisines, but I really want to try and see how different it is from our local Chinese food!

Oh did I forget to mention Macau has all year round events and festivals? And the largest Macau Food Festival is happening in November! Time to be spoilt with delicious Asian, European, Mainland Chinese and local delicacies, while enjoying live entertainment and games along the street.

Shoppes at Venetian (Luxurious indoor shopping mall)

Wow! Look at this shopping haven with wonderful architectural designs, I can enjoy the best of both worlds here-- Shopping and photographing! In addition to shopping, I'd wish to meet the colourful antics of Streetmosphere performers and jugglers, ‘living statues’ and musicians as they wander the meandering Venetian streetscapes.

In fact, there are many more beautiful places to explore in Macau!

With over 17 direct flights from Kuala Lumpur to Macau weekly and convenient sea and land routes, 
I'm sure my next trip to Macau is made easier and hassle-free. No VISA needed too!

Dear Macau, I hope to visit you really soon! Be sure to welcome me with warm hugs then :P

Good News for Nuffnang Bloggers!
Write a post with title "Dream Trip to Macau" and stand chance to win a 3D2N getaway to Macau!
Check out for more information.
The blogging contest is from 20 October till 23 November 2014.

Terms and Conditions:
- Write a blog post entitled "Dream Trip to Macau"
- Include Three Most Amazing Things that makes you want to visit Macau and why you deserve this opportunity
- Include at least TWO (2) elements below, to show the various activities and attractions in Macau:
     • Event & Festivals
     • Food
     • UNESCO Heritage Sites
     • Tourism Product
     • Entertainment
-  (OR) Share your past experiences in Macau (positive)
- Winners are required to post social media postings and a post-trip blog post during/after the trip.
- Include a shout out to Macau Government Tourist Office (MGTO) and Nuffnang Malaysia
- Post the link to your various social media platforms with hash tags #MYMacau, @NuffnangMY (Twitter), @Nuffnang (Instagram/Facebook)
- Do NOT Mention about gambling / casinos
- Do NOT mention any negative experiences
- Do NOT mention other destinations (Hong Kong/China is fine, but not to emphasize too much)

Don't forget to visit Macau Government Tourism at:

1 comment:

  1. Nice blog! Makes Macau look good! :)
    Good luck!


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