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25 June, 2013

Organic Soya Fitz : Healthier Weight Management

Have you read on my Ramadhan buffet reviews? I have been going around hotels for the past 2 weeks for buffet review, with unlimited choices of food and eye-candy desserts! Sounds fun? Yes. Unfortunately I have gained extra pounds from there :( 

I used to be 43-45kg, and now I'm very close to 50kg T__T 
I realize it's time to reduce on food reviews and focus more on my self-designed health program.

I actually got this pack of Organic Soya Fitz Dietary Supplement from OnlyBeauty some time back, but food blogger like me is always lazy to go on diet. What prompts me to try Soya Fitz? It's my weight!

Soya Fitz is an organic health drink that helps to:
1. Cut down calorie intake
2. Accelerate fat burning
3. Increase metabolism
4. Reduce accumulation of fat

One pack of Soya Fitz comes in 15 individual sachets. The recommended intake is 1 packet a day before meal for weight maintenance. For those who wanna lose weight fast, you should take 2 packets daily before meal. So one pack can last you about 1-2 weeks.

To be honest, I haven't heard of this brand but I'm convinced to give it a try because it is formulated in USA using 100% natural ingredients with no chemical composition. As long as it doesn't give any side effects, I feel that this soya drink is worth a try. 

Everytime before I purchase food, I'll look very carefully at the label, making sure that I'm aware of the ingredients and nutrients in it. Here I found something interesting: The soya drink contains green tea extract! I believe we all know green tea is great for slimming. And the protein level is as high as 20% of the drink! Best for muscle building :)

1. Minimizes cravings for sweets
2. Improves skin condition
3. Protects against thinning skin
4. Detoxifies the system for slimming
5. Reduces possibility of swelling
6. Whitening and moisturizing properties
7. Retains skeletal muscles during weight-loss period

The preparation is very simple, all you need is warm water (preferably 60°C and below), a spoon and glass. Mix one packet of Soya Fitz with 200ml warm water, stir and drink 30 minutes before a meal for optimum effect. Don't use HOT water else the powder will clump and you'll take forever to stir and dissolve it in water! 

How bout pairing SoyaFitz with buns?

I love having soya for breakfast as an energy booster. In fact, each serving is very low in calorie--- only 67 calories which forms 5% of my ideal daily calorie intake. But it is sufficient to make me feel full up to 3-4 hours! For the first time, my stomach is already half-full, so I just go for something light like yoghurt, fruit or bread.  

Rich soy bean flavour with nice aroma of pandan. Very 'kaw'!

Less sweet than the usual VSoy, HomeSoy etc.
But if you'd prefer it to be sweeter, add less water :P

Immediate Effect:
Very filling and satisfying.

BUT.... remember that SoyaFitz is not a meal replacement
you must continue eating like normal because SoyaFitz works best with a balanced diet. 

 Since it is made of 100% natural organic soybeans and raw ingredients, it is safe to be consumed by everyone except those with soy intolerance. And it is friendly for vegans too!

For best result, continuous intake of 90 days is required.
Wish me luck in achieving my ideal body weight again! :D

For more information about Soya Fitz, please visit 
Special thanks to OnlyBeauty for this set of products, 
visit their website at for daily beauty samples giveaways!

**This review is solely based on my personal experience and opinion.

1 comment:

  1. It somehow reminds me of the drink I was having everyday


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