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23 September, 2018

Anlene Heart Smart Workshop in Pantai Hospital KL : How to Eat Smart, Move Smart & Sleep Smart?

It is an educational Saturday morning well spent at the "Heart Smart Workshop” held jointly by Pantai Hospital Kuala Lumpur and Anlene in conjunction with the World Heart Day. During the workshop, we are lucky to have specialists in various areas to share tips on how to eat, move and sleep smart for a healthier heart.

"Eat Smart. Move Smart. Sleep Smart." Workshop

Opening Remarks by Pn. Megawati Suzairi, Director of New Product Development,
Scientific & Regulatory Affairs at Fonterra Brands.

To begin with, we are shocked by the statistics showing nearly 1 in 2 Malaysian adults have high blood cholesterol and nearly 1 in 4 heart attack patients are below 50 years old.

With the increase of medical costs between 10% to 15% annually, I'm sure the saying "Prevention is better than cure" is a good reminder here. And by eating healthy, it is the first step towards healthy wellbeing.

So, Anlene has introduced the Anlene Heart Plus which contains plant sterol that can help lower cholesterol by up to 10% with 2 glasses daily intake. It tastes creamy and delicious although it does not contain any sugar at all, and low in GI content. It also comes with Omega-3, collagen, calcium and protein, and is ideal as part of a diet low in saturated fat.

Available in 2 sizes: 360g (box) and 800g (can), at hypermarkets, supermarkets, selected Chinese medical halls, pharmacy retail chains etc.

"Cardiovascular Diseases And Early Prevention" by Datuk Dr Sanjiv Joshi,
Consultant Cardiologist, Pantai Hospital Kuala Lumpur

The second part of the workshop is an interesting and hilarious talk by Dr Sanjiv who shared some of the secrets to longevity such as having cold morning bath, vegetarian diet for 3 times a week, evening walks, lots of laughter, 3 litre water intake daily and more.

Apart from presenting plenty of interesting facts on cardiovascular diseases, he also gave a precious advice which I personally agreed -- Have a handphone-free day and relax! If we can do that every week, life will be less stressful and therefore healthier!

"Move Smart: How To Incorporate Exercises Into Our Everyday Lives" by Mr. Muhammad Izzat Sallehan,
Senior Physiotherapist, Pantai Integrated Rehab Services Sdn Bhd

Moving on, the physiotherapist encouraged us to stay active everyday, be it walking 10,000 steps a day, climbing stairs or go jogging/running etc. Sometimes, parking your car further from the destination and increasing our walking speed are little efforts we can do each day which are effective in bringing significant health benefits. Don't forget doing moderate-intensity physical activities regularly too!

"Eat Smart: Tips On Choosing And Cooking Nutritious Malaysian Food" by Ms Liew Yen Lee, 
Senior Nutritionist of Fonterra Brands Malaysia

When it comes to ideal diet, Ms Liew encouraged more intake of grains, fruits, vegetables, etc. Do you know that only 6% of Malaysia adults consume sufficient (5 servings) fruits and vegetables everyday? If you wanna maintain your heart health, you better start changing your diet and drinking Anlene Heart Plus now :P

"Sleep Smart For A Healthy Heart" by Dr Kong Min Han,
Consultant ENT Surgeon, Pantai Hospital Kuala Lumpur

Lastly, Dr Kong shared about the topic I'm concerned the most -- sleep! I have been having disrupted sleep patterns lately, with occasional bad dreams due to work stress. I will definitely try having power naps of 15-30 minutes as suggested by Dr Kong to "wake up the mind" during the day, and at least 8 hours good night sleep for healing of body, hormone regulation, maintaining immune system etc. Sleep well and blood pressure will eventually drop too!

As part of the World Heart Day awareness campaign, Anlene also organises free health checks during the workshop where we get to experience complimentary bone health check, heart disease risk and movement flexibility checks too.

Overall, it is a beneficial session of learning how to take care of our heart health everyday by eating, moving and sleeping smart. For a start, let's grab a glass of Anlene Heart Plus and live a healthy lifestyle!

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