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22 August, 2019

6 Steps To Developing A Successful Website

Businesses nowadays need to have an online presence to thrive in this digital age. Having an online presence entails the need to establish a successful website. Below is a list of 6 steps that you can use to create the most effective website that can generate a great impact.

1. Plan and Set Goals

Treat the website creation as a project, and like in any project, a plan or a development scheme is essential. Hence, it is best to start with establishing your goals. Define SMART goals which stands for:
  • S - specific
  • M - measurable
  • A - acceptable
  • R - realistic
  • T – time-bound

The following questions may guide you in creating a project plan that reflects your goals for the website:
  • Why are you creating a website? Do you want to scale up and increase the number of your customers or simply engage your current users?
  • What will be the website’s main function? Do you want to use the website to disseminate information or use it as part of a marketing strategy?
  • What do you want to deliver through the website? Do you want to offer a product or a service?

Include also in your project plan the metrics that you will use to measure whether you were able to achieve your goals for the website.

2. Define Your Target Audience

Consider who you want to reach and engage with the website that you want to create. It may even be necessary to conduct an audience research to narrow down the certain demographic criteria that can have a major impact on the design of your official site. For instance, even minor details such as font sizes can have a relatively big impact on your audience because if you want to cater to an older generation, bigger font sizes may be necessary.

3. Set an Image

How would you want to appear to your audience? Your website design is greatly dependent on how you want your audience to see you. A minimalist design with hues of black and white is suitable for a corporate setting while fun and bold colors can cater to an art school or pre-school. The look and feel of your website have a certain impact towards the impression on your audience about what you are trying to deliver.

4. Choose a Provider

It is important to carefully choose a web host that has a round-the-clock support. There might be instances wherein you will encounter technical issues and it is imperative that the support services of your web host are readily available to minimize downtimes and cut losses.

5. Pick a Domain Name

A domain name that can easily be remembered will surely appeal to your target audience. However, domain names may not be readily available. Because of the number of website users, there are instances wherein the domain name you prefer would already be taken.

6. Go Live

Implement your design based on the target audience you identified. Use your preferred domain name and enlist the services of your web host. Make sure that you are always aligned with your goals and measure the website’s success through the metrics you have identified.

Overall, creating a website is not an easy feat. However, it is necessary, especially if you want to embark on a digital journey and leave a digital footprint. This will ensure that your business will thrive through the advancements in modern technology.

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