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01 October, 2008

9月30日, 晴

A beautiful day to study @_@”
Gazing at the birds in the midst of rain…
Somehow made me feeling sleepy lol.

The screen of my cell blinked, showing
012- xxx 9496 calling

“Uhm, stranger? I better answer it”, I thought.

“Hey, XXX loves you!”

“Wtf, who are you?”
“Err..I am XXX’s friend”
“Are you Sze Hui?”
“Yea… But I don’t know who are you…”
“Oh… nvm… XXX has lots of things to talk to you”
“Damn you”

I hung up the call =.=”
Actually I know what his friend told me,
But why mention?
Since both of us never talk a single thing bout this =.=”

At night,
XXX texted me, apologizing whatever happened in the afternoon…
I acted like nothing happens and nobody cares…
Because I know it shall be a secret with the unrevealed answer between us (:

And today…
XXX’s friend used XXX’s cell to text me.
Thinking that it was XXX, I replied him.
But actually it was not…
Prank text message =.=”
Ugh. Spoilt my mood to study liaooo T_T

Oh ya..
Thanks Anonymous,
I received a text message from 200,
Showing “You have received RM3.00 from 6016 xxx7790 with surcharge of RM0.25"

Who is that?
Anyway thanks a lot (:

P/S: Selamat Hari Raya~ Maaf Zahir dan Batin (:

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