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26 September, 2008

9月 26 日 , 雨

I just got home from Vivi’s house…
Finally finished this Physics project, since we seem to be one of the slowest group LOL

*Our periscope, our artwork

LOL we are not really creative after all… =X

By the way...

Happy Retiring to her =D

WE don't hope to miss you anyway xD

So I went to school today just to snap all her beautiful photos,

and around 9am I sneaked out with KY to Carrefour to meet up SK, SW and YW,

coz' we were going to the BJ Golf Resort =D

We reached there by paying the taxi driver RM7 =.=" exp...

And finally confirmed almost everything with the Malay-looked Mr. Wong LOL

Hope to have fun with all the librarians there at the scheduled date ^^


I went for tuition classes with him,

Yes, Brandon Foo. Again.

because I can't go on this weekend.

Leongleong teased me again T_T

always bully me de him...aiksss

When I got home,

I waited for more than half an hour just for a bus,

the time was showing 6pm already.

So I got home by cab =.=" LOL

The day before...

I broke this T_T

I don't know why..


It consists of the memories of the past T_T

But I pasted it together again,

it is still one of the decorations on my study desk ^^


Going off tomorrow ^^

Bye.. everyone LOL

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