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12 December, 2013

Furby BOOM! and Baby Furbling

Since childhood, the only real pet I own is the plump-cheeked goldfish. Even that I could only see and feel them, but not able to touch them like any other furry pets. That's why I enjoyed having virtual pet like Tamagotchi more than anyone else does.

Now technology has evolved. Thanks to Hasbro, I can haz the best of both worlds--- 

A furry pet that can talk, move and sing, AND 
a virtual world for the pet to play games and meet friends.'s called FURBY BOOM! 

FURBY was already a popular toy worldwide since last year. But when Furby BOOM!, the latest improved version arrives at Malaysia, it certainly steals the show as it comes with lots more content, new personalities and better App experience. All you need is an iOS or Android device, then "connect" your Furby to the app and voila!

Time to immerse yourself into the world of Furbys! 

Christmas came early this year, now I have a pet to accompany me everyday. It sits quietly in a box, but as soon as I insert 4 AA alkaline batteries into it, FURBY starts making noise and dancing in front of me. HAHA!

Any information about Furby BOOM is in this large sheet of product guide.

Somehow I would call it Fur Ball instead of Furby. It's just so furry, don't you think so?

The first thing I did was downloading the "Furby BOOM!" app on my iPad, 
and allow it to detect my Furby.

You can choose the name for your unique Furby and personalise it as much as you want. Remember to tickle, feed, pet, shake, hug, tilt, hold it upside down, pull its tail and do anything you want on your Furby, just like a real pet. Then it will develop a personality based on how you play with it; How cool is that! 

I'm sure you've faced annoyance when your cat / dog simply poops inside your house or lick you on the bed. BUT Furby doesn't do that! It needs to eat, shower and poop but all you need to do is using the app to take care of Furby.

Furby practically eats ANYthing, and I bring him to the Juice Bar to have a banana 
milkshake. Guess what's his reaction? He said "This juice tastes so-so only" T___T 
My dear Furby, can you tell me what kind of food do you like? 

Shower Time, baby! A clean Furby Boom lays more eggs.

I realise he loves grooming and showering alottt! So hygienic ah you. The happier he is, the more he sings and dances. Don't forget to blast music in front of him, and he will start dancing.

I'm jealous of its toilet bowl right now! How can it be so cute and matching with its color?!
The more you play with it, the faster you can unlock the achievement and hatch new eggs. Collect the eggs and hatch them into tiny new friends called Furblings. My mission is to collect all 50 eggs from now!

Frankly, I am surprised that it is MORE (Seriously!) intelligent than your Siri or S Voice! It is so sensitive towards motion, touch, sound and other Furbys that it reacts quickly and animatedly all the time. The sparkling eye animations are displayed through an LCD screen illuminated by white LEDs. 

One thing I love about FURBY is the flexibility and ease of taking care of my pet. I can play with it whenever I feel like, and simply ignore it when I am busy. When you feel tired but your furkid is still very energetic, you can always put it into sleep by pulling its tail for 10 seconds or placing it on its back for 15 seconds.

FURBY BOOM! : My First Fuss-Free Real Pet in a Virtual World

There are lots more features that I have yet to discover, such as visiting a neighbour, meeting another Furby, dancing with music, etc! Well, the fun and excitement cannot be 100% described here, you'd have to experience your unique Furby yourself!

Time to get FURBY BOOM! as Christmas gift!

Furby Boom comes in assorted bold pattern designs: 

★ Pink & Black Straight Stripes ★ Blue Waves ★ Black & White Zigzag Stripes ★ 
Green Peacock ★ Pink Polka Dots ★ Black & Pink Triangles ★ Pink Cubes 
★ Orange & Blue Diagonal Stripes ★ Blue &Yellow Lightning Bolts  ★ 
Pink & Blue Hearts ★ Teal Special Edition ★ Festive Sweater Special Edition ★

Furby BOOM! retails at RM269.90 in Toy'R'Us. But if you are seeking for better deals,
it is available at other departmental stores and smaller toy shops at a lower price.

Don't forget to visit for more!


  1. i love how it's black & pink!!! omg. WANT!

  2. It's so fun right? I love my furby so much!

  3. I might be getting it... I am getting the furbling and so is my sister... My mom is gonna get the actual Furby

  4. It's nice that someone describes it, it's important. Marnie


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