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15 May, 2019

How Low Can Your Health Go With Addiction?

The effects to the body associated with drugs can vary because different drugs affect your body differently. How a drug impacts someone is dependent on several factors, including general health, body size, amount of drug consumed, the strength of the drug and whether there are any other drugs in the system at the same time. Given that illegal drugs are not controlled, the strength and quality of the drug may be different from one batch to another. Drugs have both short term and long term effects. These effects can be psychological and physical.

When you begin using drugs, you might not think that they will eventually harm your body. However, with continuous use of a drug, your body builds a tolerance to it and its effects. This will make you want to take higher doses of the drug, to experience the effects. Prolonged use will then cause dependence, which will directly impact your psychological and physical health.

Effects of different types of drugs
There are three main types of drugs. These include depressants, stimulants, and hallucinogens. Drugs directly impact your central nervous system which affects how you feel, think and behave. Prolonged use of these drugs causes addiction info. on how different drug and substance addictions can be treated gives a better understanding of what these drugs do to your health and how to reverse it. All these drugs are not safe when taken in large quantities and cases of an overdose can be fatal.

Depressants slow down how the central nervous system functions. Depressants affect your level of coordination and concentration and your ability to respond to situations. They slow the messages to and from the brain. In small quantities, depressants create a feeling of relaxation. In large quantities, they could cause vomiting, unconsciousness and even death. When under depressants, it is advisable not to operate heavy machinery. Examples of depressants include cannabis, alcohol, opiates (morphine, heroin, codeine), GHB, and benzodiazepines.

These types of drugs speed up the central nervous system. They make you feel more confident and alert by speeding up the messages going to and from the brain. This can cause agitation, reduced appetite, high body temperature, high blood pressure, increased heart rate, and sleeplessness. When taken in high doses, stimulants cause stomach cramps, paranoia, seizures, anxiety, and panic. Examples of stimulants include nicotine, caffeine, ecstasy, cocaine, and amphetamines (speed and ice).

Hallucinogens affect your sense of reality. You might start to hear or see imaginary things or perceive things in a distorted way. Other effects include psychological and emotional euphoria, paranoia, jaw clenching, panic, nausea, and gastric upset. Examples of hallucinogens include cannabis, ketamine, PCP, LSD, and ‘magic mushrooms.

Long term health effects of drugs
  • Harm to an unborn child if you are pregnant
  • Cancer
  • Destruction of body organs such as lungs, liver, stomach, throat, brain, heart, pancreas, and nervous system
  • Skin lesions or acne
  • Infectious diseases from risk-taking behaviors and possibly sharing injecting equipment
  • Collapsed veins and needle marks from regularly injecting drugs
  • Baldness
  • Psychosis
  • Erratic behavior and mood swings
  • Accidental overdose
  • Addiction
  • Increased risk of depression and mental illness
Always keep in mind that drug use does not have safe levels. The first time use might be out of curiosity, but this could quickly escalate to dependence and later addiction. With dependence, the impact of a drug on psychological and physical health will be unavoidable. Be cautious when attempting to take any drug.

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