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21 October, 2020

How AmLife Helps You to Sleep Well For Mental Health?

Happy World Mental Health Day!
Reading is therapeutic to me, how about you?

I believe that 2020 is a challenging year for everyone given the Covid-19 pandemic. Fate hits us in various aspects of life such as loss of jobs, relationship breakdowns, etc and this situation is aggravating each day. A survey by The Ministry of Health Malaysia showed that by 2020, mental health conditions are expected to be the second biggest health problem affecting Malaysians after heart diseases.

So the big question is, how can we stay positive throughout the hard times and build a better mental well-being? 

In conjunction with World Mental Health Day (WMHD), AmLife International Sdn. Bhd rolled out its WMHD showcase “Sleep Well For Mental Health” covering 6 countries - Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Brunei, Hong Kong and Taiwan - to promote better mental health conditions. 

Mr. Lew Mun Yee, Founder & President of AmLife said good quality sleep improves our psychological and mental health and vice versa. AmLife stresses sleep education which is part of our business philosophy.

AmLife has engaged Ms Elizabeth Huxtable, a certified Sound Therapist and Dr. Luke Wang, a Taiwan Specialist in Psychiatric, Sleep Medicine, and Geriatrics to share some insights into mental health.

It is not just the amount of hours of sleep you have each day, but also the quality of sleep you have over a long period of time. Dr. Luke shared, “One need to sleep well to improve mental health, which in turn gives rise to a healthier body."

Poor sleep quality can lead to:
❤ Impairment of brain plasticity
❤ Disruption of stress and inflammatory system
❤ Alzheimer Disease
❤ Increase in high blood glucose
❤ Poor metabolic rate and increase in obesity

So here comes the frequency to the rescue! Do you know that sound frequency can affect the nervous system and can have positive healing effect on the mind and body?

Mr Lew and Elizabeth showcase the AmLife DeepZleep Amsonic with regenerative sleep technology.

AmLife introduced its DeepZleep AmSonic solutions - a regenerative sleep technology from Japan which combines Electric Potential Therapy, Thermal Therapy and AmSonic Frequency Therapy – all in a bedding form.

The AmSonic Frequency Therapy is the latest Japanese technology which harnesses the frequency of nature and spiritual healing frequency to harmonize the body frequency and sync it with the natural environment to enable the body to relax, relieve tension and goes into deep slumber so your body can experience recuperative and health rejuvenation capabilities.

The DeepZleep Amsonic is now available in Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei and Hong Kong.
With AmLife's AmSonic Frequency Therapy Sleep Device, everyone can enjoy recharging your physical and mental health in sleep for an all-rounded physical and spiritual well-being.

For more information, please visit AmLife website at 
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