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06 April, 2021

Healthy Weight Loss with Black Leaves

Have you ever tried different weight management plans or diet programs but they just don't seem to help? Personally, I believe in losing weight in a healthy and sustainable way, and I am lucky to have found Black Leaves, a 100% natural herbal blends brand which is based in Australia.

If you have been facing tremendous amounts of stress which causes irregular lifestyle changes and increase in body weight, here's the story of Black Leaves that you might be interested in.

Anthony Loggia, the C.E.O. of Black Leaves, created his first herbal blend inspired by the weight issue that his mother faced during her life. Then, Anthony started to research the ways in which herbs can improve overall health and wellbeing. After all, herbs have been used for medicinal purposes for thousands of years, and for good reason!

Black Leaves NewMe 28 Teatox program

By researching different varieties, they created a selection of blends to help others resolve their health issues such as unwanted weight or obesity, stress and anxiety and lack of energy. For example, their NewMe 28 Teatox program includes a perfect combination of herbs to maximise weight loss.

Fast forward, today Black Leaves has served over 200,000+ women around Australia with high returning customers rate and hundreds of positive high 4-star review, leading it to be one of the most loved boutique tea-sellers in Australia.

When it comes to product quality, don't worry, Black Leaves uses only 100% natural herbs which are hand-selected, hand-blended and hand-packed in Western Australia for the best of the health of consumers in Australia. As an Australian owned and operated company, Black Leaves' choices of primary ingredients are mainly sourced locally (when possible) and overseas.

I am surprised to learn that Black Leaves has over 500 recipes / blends tested every year! While the main focus of the company is in Detox and Weight Loss (8 teas) category, I also see a good variety of wellness tea such as Beauty (5 teas), Superfoods (7 teas) and Maternity (1 tea). Moving forward, the company will also be expanding its products to the straight traditional teas range. 

No doubt Black Leaves' tea ranges are slightly more expensive than those in the market, but it is all worth the value as the team spends more time and effort in testing and researching.

Another noteworthy point is that being a responsible customer-oriented company, Black Leaves emphasizes highly on 4E's i.e. Engagement, Experience, Exclusivity and Emotion.

So, Black Leaves is something you can consider if you have the following frustrations:
❤ Overweight / water retention / bloated
❤ Low energy
❤ Always hungry / Strong cravings for snacks
❤ Stressed and anxious
❤ Nausea and constipation / Digestion problem
❤ Aging concerns
❤ Tired / Need to feel more energised
❤ Weak immune system

Of course, while there are so many tea brands out there, why Black Leaves? 
Here are some of the reasons why Black Leaves is recommended:
❤ 100% natural, organic ingredients and vegan-friendly
❤ Safe to consume
❤ Lasts a month with daily use
❤ Fast shipping within Australia
❤ 30 Days Money Back Guarantee

Please feel free to try out Black Leaves and let me know if you love their teas!

For more information about Black Leaves, please visit:

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