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30 April, 2007

LiFe's JouRney

I walked along the road of life,
Not on smiles,
Not on tears,
But on the sheer strength,
Of mine and yours.

I walked along the road of life,
Not for the glory,
Not for an apology,
But on the shattered love,
Of our past.

I walked along the road of life,
Not for the moon glimmer,
Not for knowing deeper,
But on the good hopes and wishes,
Of true friends and soulmates.

I walked along the road of life,
A road paved with sweet memories,
A road paved with unconditional love,
A road paved with tender love and care.

I turned back to see what had I left behind,
I found many things that I had missed,
I wish to have a great walk of life,
From now and then.


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