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20 April, 2008

Attention to all who helped for the haunted mansion for days and weeks... There will be a party held specially for us, Pn. Assemah will treat us all we want xD. However, we still don't know how much is the budget of hers. But still she got so happy that we earned so much for her, and she will treat us, she promised...
Sook Kuan~ Yee Wen~ Sze Hui~ Kei Yan~ Ying Hui~ Vivian~ Szu Wah~ Jen Yi~ Wei Ying~ Wei Kuan~ Chian Wen~ Wan Yoke~ Chew Mun~ Fui Ling~ Rebecca~ Jian Ni~ Swet Mun~ Mhun Yee~ Hon Mun~ Jun Won~ Justin~ Chin Thong~ Kok Fei~
Erm 23 of us? Budget will be lowered down I think =X =X. Anyway time and place will be informed soon.. and have fun =]

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