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08 June, 2008

06 08 08~

Do you guyz realize or notice that you have not been seeing me online through msn since ages ago? Ermmm if you are one of them who care bout me, then absolutely you will know… Well, I tried to sign in like for ages =.= but to no avail. A message popped out-

“We were unable to sign you into Windows Live Messenger at this time. Please try again later.

Windows Live Messenger has made several failed attempts to sign you in. Your firewall may be blocking Windows Live Messenger from connecting to the service. Please review your firewall settings. See the retailer’s instructions for more information.

Error code: 80048820
Extended error code: 80048412”

The same message kept appearing after days =.= I tried fixing the firewall thingy, and even uninstalled the whole thing and reinstalled it. But still the same message appeared on the screen. T_T now I realized that Windows Live Messenger is actually important to me LOL. This is because usually when I have it, I just put offline status, and thus there are not many people who actually know that I am doing so. But now I really need someone to talk to when I online, at least to make me feel better at times.

Special to Mr. Ng Jen Hoe,
I apologize deeply about my act today. I feel pretty sorry for you, and I hope the same thing will not happen anymore. Hope you can forgive me.

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