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13 July, 2008

Our three practical teachers did invited us to Carrefour Bowling yesterday…
But too bad nobody from my class turned up there…
Someone asked me for the photos yesterday, I was like, ‘what photo? Did I meet you yesterday?’ Hence he asked why didn’t I go there…
My reason is: I have tuition on Saturdays and Sundays--- everyone knows it.
Isn’t it a good reason?
LOL absolutely nooooot…he scolded me [sort of] T_T
He said, “I don’t think your whole class also got tuition lorh”.
Yea during whatever activities, the people of my class are kinda unsupportive; especially those guys…they even asked to go back to class when we were busy snapping photos with these practical teachers… Sigh…
And I missed the fun yesterday T_T I knew… But I still miss them no matter what marh… Hope they were not disappointed over the absence of all of us =X =X…

It seems to be ages since I met this friend.
I didn’t know--- I dared not to contact him since there were things happened previously. But I always wondered what if we meet one day there [there will surely be a high chance unless he doesn’t go there anymore].
I want this friendship, just that not in that particular way that offended me.
Should I actually find him again? Contact him and be friends again?
………………… idea…

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