Quick and short update…
“Why is she crying again? =.=” what happens lar?”
"What's wrong with her again?"
“Sze, you still wanna cry arh? You cried already many times larh today”
“You shout from there also no use de marh…We also couldn’t hear you from inside. WTF =.=”
“She sounds scary all the time, aikss…”
“Ugghh… There are some AJKs who are too ‘over’ and too serious”
“She doesn’t answer me when I asked her why did she cry”
* It’s alright.
Complain, complain and complain all about me.
I have given each and everyone of you a totally b.a.d impression.
So what else do I expect from all of you?
Scold me while you can (:
-Sorry, there will be no update bout the librarian camp-
* I was once happy, but because of you, I am not…
I finally saw all the pictures of the photography competition from MunMun. I have had to admit that the photographs taken by seniors are really too common, including mine. However, Daphy's one is really nice =D congratz... I envy the DSLR T_T the photographs of juniors are much better than ours, and congratz =D... I think I still have to improve myself, and also improve the camera =.=" mine got bit cacat already actually =X =X aiksss....
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