Attention to all SMKBBSPians except Form3s n 5s...
Today I went to school...
And found out that our year-end result will be delivered by post.
Or I should say, 'had been delivered' by post :)
You will receive it shortly___perhaps in 2 or 3 days time...
Today I went to school...
And found out that our year-end result will be delivered by post.
Or I should say, 'had been delivered' by post :)
You will receive it shortly___perhaps in 2 or 3 days time...
First, you will receive an envelope posted to your house :)

This is what I !#$%^&*() them =X
Coz...I get a grade E for it :(
They didn't put in my club/society's result T_T"
P/S: Don't burn off your result when you receive it please. xD
Went to night market after tuition again.
This time, I spent alot =Xx
It's unavoidable xD!!
We reached there too early, I guessed =X
That's why I couldn't have a wider look at my beloved clothes..
Met Mr.Chong TWICE,
and with his blur look, he couldn't see us xD
P/S: I have such big reaction because of you and him xD
"Love overflow" ___*Had this drink in Leo's Cafe =Xx
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