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11 November, 2008

Happy Birthday =DD,
♥♥♥ Tang Sook Kuan

Together we are already classmates for 10 years!! =DD

Together we join Beauty Contest xDD

And went together to her house during Hari Raya xDD

for two years continuously LOL

And went skating together too xDD

Enjoyed Christmas together LOL
and went pasar malam after that, I think I still remembered =Xx…

*Sorry I have no older pictures in this computer…
Coz’ last time we use analog camera isn’t it?

Wishing ya to have a great birthday~
Do enjoy my h-e-a-r-t-y present xDD


Not to forget,
It's your great day too,
Wan Li Ann ♥♥♥ !!

Happy Biiiiiiiiirthday :)

P/S: Special thanks to the biiirthday gurl for fetching me prez to my doorstep xDD
*Maii 4th prez ; from Sook Kuan ♥♥♥

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