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04 November, 2008

Sweetest 15th
Birthday ,
Darlinggg =DD

Lee Shin Mei ♥♥♥

Sweety 15 =DD

Love you always ♥♥♥

The crowd :)

Enjoyed sitting beside Spell and Miss Fly


♥♥ Photographing again...

*Making a wish ♥♥♥

___Thanks Spell for fetching me home xDD

And sorry guys I am fat =.="


Skipped school today actually =DD

But still went in,

with my house clothes,

being seen by soooo many people including teachers @_@"

Luckily didn't get caught with my shorts

And I wanna catch up with today's school stuff ,

hence I asked my beloved class monitor =DD

See, how irresponsible good he is xDD

I think I better go to school tomorrow

to collect all my papers

and also for frog-disecting [if I am still in it]

One more thing... >>>

Ughh. I am freaking sad over my hair T_T"

The line is so obvious that it is fugly :(

I should better cut them all s.h.o.r.t

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