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03 October, 2009

8月15 : 中秋节~

Thanks Desmond for the picture :D

Moon cakes with the God of Wealth ; by Genting ©

The exact day has finally arrived :D
Mid- Autumn Festival is never a complete celebration without moon cakes. Along with the modernization of the global society, now we even have moon cakes for Malays that they use them as one of the kuih in Hari Raya =) But I bet theirs are not as tasty as ours for ours have a better recipe.

According to the Chinese’ customs and traditions, Mum has prepared enough delicacies for praying purposes. The altar in my house is now full of sweet food and moon cakes--- those are what my Mum uses for prayer purposes.

Red bean, durian, sweet corn, original, dragon fruit and green tea.
It comes with a long list of flavours nowadays.

Usually moon cakes come in a box of four, but this is a special one--- with 6 in it. Everyone knows that my Dad works for Genting Berhad, but this box is certainly not a free gift. These small-sized moon cakes are quite costly too, regardless of the size actually = =

And it came with a complimentary biscuit of the shape of God of Fortune :D ! Don’t you think he looks super cute there although the biscuit has cracked a little? You can’t obtain this even if you have money to buy--- it is only available for people who queued up for hours to redeem this biscuit by deducting their World Card points in Genting Highlands. Thanks to my neighbour for having to climb up the hill just to get this for us =)

It had been a really long time since we played lanterns outside the house =( Around 8 or 9 years I think. Since the year all my cousins are no longer considered as “kids”, Mum already doesn’t held any dinner for all the relatives to come and enjoy and play. I am the youngest child among my relatives. Even my youngest cousin is now 20 and already has one-year-old baby.

T________________T I miss the moments. How’d I wish to be one of the toddlers holding a small fish-shaped lantern like once upon a time ago ♥

Hahas, I am still keeping this. It was one of my artwork during the Arts lesson in class when I was in 3 Gigih. Mr. Redzuan provided us the materials and wanted us to make a cardboard in such a way to motivate ourselves.

In conjunction to this day too, I realized that PMR is starting very soon! Anyway I managed to achieve what I wanted in PMR, and now I am here sending my best wishes to people who are having PMR this year! Do enjoy this celebration and also to make the last preparation before entering the exam hall :D

Good luck to all the PMR candidates,
Prove to people around it that you can do well too! =)

P/S: I believe that you can do it, Gen Yong YF!

1 comment:

  1. Wow I really feel that your teacher so good let us do something to motivate yourself... Haha!

    I take your wishes and thanks for it. Challenge for straight As okay? Hopefully the best can be done!


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