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12 May, 2015

What To Expect in Graduan Aspire Career & Postgraduate Fair 2015

Years in university are coming to an end. Knowing that I'll be entering the corporate world very soon, this is my first time attending a two-day career and talent networking fair. Now let me show my experience at Graduan Aspire Career and Postgraduate Fair  2015...

I went there during the Saturday morning just as the exhibition hall at KLCC opens its door to the public. And the crowd was overwhelming! I saw plenty of experienced, professional-looking people as well as fresh faces like myself. 

We just got ourselves registered at the counter and redeemed the goodie bag.

Just before we entered Exhibition Hall 3,4 and 5, we managed to take a look at the 
floor plan to locate the companies that we were interested in.

It was a great platform to match over 100 renowned participating companies with the right talent.
And this year it featured a list of local and overseas universities for those who were planning for post-graduate studies.

 The moment I stepped into the hall, I noticed quite a number of most sought-after companies such as
Maybank, DRB-Hicom, Celcom Axiata, Khazanah, Shell, Dell, PwC and Nestle.

DRB-Hicom: Good for those who are seeking for an ideal path in engineering :)

 Tesco: Bigger opportunities for diverse fields

 Maybank: Don't you agree every other Accounting & Finance graduate is aiming for this company?
It is having its Maybank Go Ahead Challenge recently, so feel free to check out its website and join the competition!
Moving towards Hall 3, an impressive number of leading universities including my current university, MMU was also among the participating institutions over these two days. 

But the best part was certainly the very first Graduan's ASPIRE+ Corporate Luncheon where I was fortunate to be able to meet and engage with Malaysia's leading CEOs and senior management in a casual and relaxed setting.

During the corporate luncheon, the result of studying the recruitment trends in Malaysia was revealed via the published report, "Graduan Employer Brand Awards 2014".

Undeniably, these are the few top companies that we'd love to join!

Moving our focus onto the CEO Forum, it really impressed me when the CEOs share their knowledge, experience and secret towards success, including: 

Mr. Stefano Clini, Managing Director of British American Tobacco Malaysia
Tuan Syed Ahmad Taufik Albar, Group CFO of UEM Group
Mr. Sajith Sivanandan, Managing Director of Google Malaysia
Datuk Hisham Hamdan, Executive Director of Khazanah Research & Investment Strategy
Pn Elia Talib, Managing Director of Graduan

Overall, it is a great session that helps me to gain better insight of the corporate world and skills needed to impress potential employers. In fact, I find it useful for both fresh grads and experienced employees regardless of which industry you are in. 

Hope to see you again next year!

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