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19 September, 2015

EPHYRA: A Date with Ambassadors, Memey Suhaiza & Norman Hakim

It's been almost half a year since I first blogged about my first skin bar from Ephyra (Read my review HERE if you're aiming for brighter skin with less acne ). Can't believe my journey with Ephyra has gone so far today that alot of distributors still share my review pictures on their Instagram accounts, and now I'm at Ephyra head office to meet its ambassadors!

If you do not already know, Ephyra is a local beauty and health product manufacturer and distributor, with 4 key products so far, suitable for both male and female. Don't misunderstand that Ephyra is just for ladies ya, because it has something really GOOD for'll know what is it in a short while... 

Before we look at the products....let's welcome the special guest of the day: Memey Suhaiza, the famous homegrown actress who has been Ephyra ambassador for some time and now shares her experience starting from consuming Ephyra's first ever product till now. 

Can you believe such a sweet and young-looking lady already has two sons? Honestly I have secretly stalked her on Instagram (@MemeySuhaiza) and personally find that she is way prettier in person. Seriously can't believe that someone so famous like herself is so humble and friendly when meeting us!

Of course, not forgetting to mention the other half of this celebrity couple, Norman Hakim,
who is also a famous actor and owner of Mr. Sado Gym & Fitness Centre.

Did you notice the box he is holding? This is exactly the very first product of Ephyra,
that remains the bestseller among ladies as well as pregnant women.

Ephyra Premium

Combining aquatic fish collagen with innovative French technology, this powdered drink is the key to achieve natural beauty from inside. Just mix with plain water at room temperature, and it will taste great like citrus fruit juice. Since it is so conveniently packed, I can now enjoy 1 packet everyday before breakfast and experience its beauty goodness.

It is clinically proven to be able to promote digestion, body immunity, brain memory, metabolism rate as well as getting rid of fine lines, cholesterol and excess fats; Now do you want to try as well? :P

 Ephyra Inteemor

Introducing the latest product for ladies, Inteemor botanical drink is probably every girl's best friend as the delicious blend of collagen, herbs, berries and natural ingredients help to reduce fatigue, burn fats, promote regular periods, and shape the overall body. Can't wait to try it out! 

Ephyra M2Flex 

Now... guys, here's something good for you. It is another new addition to Ephyra family---a protein powdered drink for muscle building, and internal energy enhancement to achieve your ideal sexy muscular body shape. Try it out before and after your gym sessions, and let me know how does it work ya? 

Last but not least, special thanks to Ephyra for having me and the fellow bloggers
to have such an intimate and fun session with the ambassadors!
Looking forward to seeing you guys again, xoxo.

Ephyra products are available from RM39 to RM197, via over
500 authorized Ephyra dealers, distributors and selected pharmacies
in Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei.
Do check them out ya!

Contact: 019-3800 779 / 03-4141 7889
Instagram: @ephyraskin

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