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11 September, 2017

A Taste of Hong Kong with Celebrity Luk Ho Ming (陸浩明) @ Canton-i

A big welcome to Hong Kong celebrity, Luk Ho Ming (陸浩明)!

As a prelude to In Style ● Hong Kong event happening this 7–8 November 2017 in Mandarin Oriental Kuala Lumpur, the famous Hong Kong food personality Luk Ho Ming (陸浩明) is here with us in Canton-i Restaurant to share about the culinary offerings of Hong Kong.

Luk Ho Ming (陸浩明), or commonly known as No. 6 (“六号”) is a host of various food and variety shoes in Hong Kong. You may have seen him in one of his most recent collaboration with “Fat Mum” (肥媽), Maria Cordero in the cooking show called “Good Cheap Eats” (暖DD.食平D).

In Style ● Hong Kong is coming to Malaysia this November!

What is In Style ● Hong Kong?
In Style ● Hong Kong is a large-scale promotion campaign organized by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) to promote and highlight Hong Kong’s vibrant and unique lifestyle in Malaysia.

For the upcoming months, you’ll see a series of sales promotions, pop-up stores and various activities lining up in town to give you a different experience of Hong Kong lifestyle including design-led products, trendy fashion and culinary experiences.

Bustling evening in Hong Kong

What not to be missed is of course the Hong Kong cuisine! Remember my food hunting trip in Hong Kong early this year? I must say that Hong Kong culinary offerings are so colorful in terms of taste, texture and cooking methods.

I have had a great time eating non-stop in Hong Kong and now I am glad that HKTDC is bringing us the very best of Hong Kong cuisine with its restaurant partner, Canton-i.

Canton-i Garden on the Ground Floor in Sunway Pyramid

Canton-i has over the years invited renowned chefs from Hong Kong and Guangzhou to prepare a wide variety of authentic dishes for diners to enjoy the true taste of Hong Kong. 

Luk Ho Ming and Canton-i Chef Yim Yu King

We are lucky to have Chef Yim Yu King and Luk Ho Ming to do a cooking demo for us today and treat us 3 special dishes which will be available at Canton-i from 1 October till 30 November 2017.

Double Boiled Pork Lean Meat Soup with Sea Whelk and Honey Fig

Chinese love double boiled soups for several reasons. One of them is because of the nutrients released from the ingredients and locked in the soup through the double-boiling process which takes more than 4 hours.

Fig (无花果)
Sea Whelk (响螺)
Scallop (瑶柱)
Longan (龙眼)
Lean Pork (瘦肉)
Salt (盐)
Sugar (冰糖)

The ingredients used are highly nutritious and healthy, hence no worries about your diet plan! For instance, the fig is rich in calcium, fiber, antioxidants and essential fatty acids, whereas the sea whelk and protein-rich lean pork bring equally great benefits to our body.

The soup tastes really rich and savoury with an added oceanic sweetness from the dried scallop.
Good for both young and old!

Slow-Cooked Dragon Garoupa Fillet

Our main course, the Dragon Garoupa, is an authentic Cantonese delicacy which wows us with its silky smooth and soft texture. The fish is specially sourced from Sabah – fresh and non-fishy in whichever way it is cooked.

Fish Slices (鱼片)
Celery (芹菜)
Wolfberry (子)
Choy Sum (菜心)
Salt (盐)
Sugar (砂糖) 

Step 1: Remove the bones and cut the fish into slices.
Step 2: Boil the broth until it bubbles.
Step 3: Pour the broth over the fish.
Step 4: Top it with wolfberry as a natural sweetener to the dish.

Taste wise, it is sweet and refreshing while providing good nutrients. The broth of the fish can be consumed on its own too.

Double Boiled Coconut with Natural Peach Resin Soup and Almond

Lastly, for the dessert, we have our surprise in a coconut. It is a collagen-rich dessert, thanks to the generous amount of peach resin. This peach resin is as good as bird’s nests in terms of nutrients, but the price is way more affordable!

Peach Resin (桃胶)
Young Coconut Shell (椰子)
Almond Juice (filtered) (杏仁汁)
Egg White (蛋白)

Step 1: Remove the coconut water from the coconut and blend it with almond slices.
Cooking Tips: Remember to filter the blended almond concoction for a smoother texture.
Step 2: Pour the egg white into the almond concoction and stir well.
Step 3: When the boiling concoction is almost ready, put in the peach resin.
Step 4: Finally, fill the warm concoction into the coconut and serve it warm.

Digging into the silky goodness, every spoonful is full of chunky egg whites and nourishing peach resin. Whereas the sweet soup is rich in almond flavour and achieves the smooth milk consistency. If you love collagen-rich and nutritious dessert, you just can’t go wrong with this.

If you want to have a taste of these 3 limited-time dishes,
be sure to visit Canton-i from 1 October till 30 November 2017 and try them out!

As part of the In Style ● Hong Kong campaign and further popularize Hong Kong cuisine, HKTDC also collaborates with OpenRice to share exclusive offers from over 50 Hong Kong food outlets with its readers. The promotion will start in mid-October 2017 and run for a month.

For more information about In Style ● Hong Kong, please visit: 

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