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07 September, 2008

(: Glad that I was back to hometown yesterday.

I need not to attend the I.U. Day, as I heard a lot of negative comments from people.

And Sorry Justin =P for breaking my promise, if you still remember xD.

So I was back to hometown and enjoyed myself xD.

We supposingly went there to pray.

And Sis even brought along her CLEO, in case that it would be soo sooo soooo boring there.

But we ended up playing this.The Disney Pooh and Friends version of UNO cards, which I got it from RM2 shop there xD.

___It's not pirated kayyy =X
And had my favourite ice-cream at the shop xD *Icekacang
And Dad also bought me a new pair of super old-fashioned school shoes xDDD,
as my old one had holes everywhere =.="



Went to Jusco ^^

Had thissss =D sushiiiiii

And Sis bought me this... SALES again xD, RM59.90 with 70% discount

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