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16 October, 2008

Dead. Dead.
In Paper 2 of Accounts today.
Just like how I died
In Biology Paper 2 that day..

Had not enough time to finish the Accounts paper..
T_T and couldn’t balance the amount of Balanced Sheet.
Hope tomorrow is a better day (:

I was not concentrating last night.
The atmosphere was polluted by vulgars last night, when I was watching TV.
Aunt was scolding her niece (my 29-year-old cousin sister)
At my house and quarrels just couldn’t stop…

By the way,
I am going for the Editorial Board’s annual gathering =D
(: it’s only RM19.10 instead of RM58.20..

Special rate for ladies on Friday xD [pity the guys]
LOL Jogoya RM19.10. Super cheap xD
But gotta miss HSM3
Have to watch it on the other day lerhhh…

(: Nothing but something happened
[again] LOL

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