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16 November, 2008

~+*^Belated Birthdaeeee Prezzy~
*it is not too late yet :)

* A sweet prezzy ♥♥♥
Simple and nice =D
Most importantly, it is PINK xD
Thanksya babe for this awesome gift :)

*Nice card eh? ^^
Hmm... "November 13th. Self-confidence"
Mr. J, I think I have none T_T
*Noconfidenceinmyself__ =X

=DD Keiyan , remember this??
We saw it in MoMoE when we were at MidValley that day...and...
I simply mentioned it in front of Sis at night__
Then.. ♥♥♥ *It becomes my belated birthday prez from Sis and 姐夫 =.=

*Cute teddy with little BitBit =DD
So kawaii xD
^^XieXie __WahJieeee~

FiShieeee earrings =DD
*From BestieFara ♥♥♥

By the way, I received a test message today--- from SooooN.
---Informing me that after having the maintenance,
now we have lost all of our friends in our friends list in Friendster.
I checked it by myself just now, and oh gosh =.= I have left only 12 friends in my list @_@"
How awfullllll___

But anyway it already says "Please be assured your friends list will be accurate soon. - Friendster team."

So everyone, you just don't need to be too frightened over it :)

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