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04 December, 2008

It was raining heavily out there. I was about to miss the bus when the heavy rain poured all in a sudden. Finally, I have had to cancel my planned tuition classes- which means I skipped classes AGAIN, in short. Also, I was lazy to go if I have no special purpose on *it* =Xx.

I am not alright today, hence spending a whole day sitting at home is always a better choice.
Oh ya, I have finally decided not to go tomorrow, sorry. Coincidentally, the 'host' is sick too xD, so I can grab this chance to escape from the occasion. By the way, do you think lying is fun? I mean, what's the point of you to lie bout that? If you were saying that you blame me for this, then I have nothing else to say better than sorry.

P/S: Sick people should rest more xD!!


嗯…够了,你一定会觉得我太无聊了吧?其实我不是想高数你们关于这部剧或改写剧情。我真正想说的是我一直都很想问自己为何做不到像租安如此坚决呢?为什么当初不把事情解决而选择了逃避呢?我知道我说什么你都不会听更加不会为我而改变…无论我用什么方式逼你说出那个问题你都不会告诉我的。老实说我已经不需要你说那个原因因为我已懂了。既然大家都有很多话藏在心里为何不可以老老实实地说出口呢?逃避了许久都应该站出来解决了吧,起码有个了解啦… ♥♥♥

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