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19 January, 2015

BOOST Juice Bars: Caribbean Green Smoothie

Have you gotten your instant boost of vitamins for the day yet? :D 

Jeng jeng jeng! Here's my current addiction; For a leaner me in 2015. Yes, that's one of my resolutions this year. Instead of going madly on diet, why not get a sip of BOOST Juice as a hunger killer or even a meal replacement too? 

I believe this Australian brand is no longer a stranger to you, because you can easily notice BOOST's vibrant green cheerful-looking kiosks spreaded over 41 locations in Malaysia and 9 in Singapore. I remember the very first time I tried BOOST Juice was 6 years ago, and I fell in love with its popular Wild Berry Juice since then! 

Their juices are all so well-packed with real fruity goodness. Unlike many sugar-laden juices, here it only blends whole fruits and veggies into delicious, vitamin-packed concoctions. 

And look at the latest, green smoothie in the BOOST Family: Caribbean Green

I think it's a good replacement for those who don't like to eat vegetables :P Each green smoothie provides at least 1 serving of greens and 2 servings of fruits. What a delicious idea to enjoy my juice while the body absorbs all those necessary vitamins and minerals easily!

It is naturally crafted with mango, passionfruit, banana, spinach, coconut milk and coconut water. The best thing is, it is low in fat (YAY!) and has no sugar, artificial flavourings, preservatives and colorings. Seriously healthy and thirst-quenching too! 

For extra dose of antioxidants, you can add chia seeds into the juice. 
Alternatively, do enjoy the juices with BOOST 6-inch wonder bar, chocolate love bites and banana bread.

Now....before Chinese New Year comes, let's take a break and cleanse our body system with natural smoothies and juices! Are you ready for your FREE BOOST? 

I'm giving away 6 sets of FREE BOOST cards (2 pieces each). Each card entitles you ONE free drinks (ANY beverages!) from ANY BOOST Juice outlets nationwide. 

All you need to do is:

1. Like my Facebook Page:
2. Leave a comment on my Facebook post by tagging 3 of your friends.
3. Share this Facebook post on your wall (Make it public ya!)

I will pick 6 WINNERS: 2 FREE BOOST for each Winner by 31 January 2015.


Visit BOOST Juice Bars at:
Twitter: @boostmalaysia


  1. There you go. I support detox waters as it helps in healthy weight loss. I hope you give this Green drink a try. Hands down the best nutritional product ever created up this point.

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