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07 March, 2019

[BEAUTY] Review: NanoMD® Bright Supplement for Brighter Skin

Do you ever feel awful when you return from a beach vacation with super tanned skin? Not only that, the long sun exposure also leads to visible skin aging (ughh, who doesn't hate pigmentations) and loss of skin radiance.

My skin has been having pigmentation and dark spot concerns, so I have been trying out several types of whitening skincare over the years. Some didn't work, while some worked so dramatically fast that it scared me off. Only until recently when I met the representative from an USA brand, NanoMD®, I learned something valuable about skin brightening.

Beauty comes from inside, as there is a close connection between
nutrition, protection and skin condition, color and aging.

In other words, on top of skincare, what's more essential for the body is beauty supplement intake that will improve the chemical processes within the body itself over a long run. Now, let NanoMD® proves it right.

NanoMD® Bright

What is NanoMD® Bright?
The world's latest and most advanced beauty supplement for skin protection, nutrition and brightening, made using the synergy of nutrition and nanotechnology.

In short, it is a "skin whitening tablet" developed in Boston, USA, by a team of world-class researchers and developers. 

How Does It Work?

NanoMD® Bright's novel 3-way impact comes:

❤ Pycnogenol®, a powerful antioxidant that maintain healthy blood vessels and collagen levels. The skin therefore remains supple and flexible which allows for nutrients to reach the organs, keeping them healthy.

❤ Tomato Phytoconcentrate and L-Cysteine for their unique brightening, sun protecting and skin structure repairing actions.  

Due to chronic sun exposure, pollution and poor nutrition, skin pigment melanin increases in volume and distribution, causing the visible signs of aging. Hence, NanoMD® Bright helps to reverse or prevent skin discoloration.

But that doesn't mean you can ditch your sunblock. This oral supplement should be taken in addition to sunblock application so that the result is more effective and lasting although it becomes visible slowly over several weeks.

Instead of brightening only selected areas (i.e. face / decollete),
it focuses on a whole body solution that will last over time.
Your skin will definitely thank you for this!

Benefits of NanoMD® Bright:
❤ Brighten skin tone
❤ Reduce pigmentation
❤ Protect against UVA/UVB
❤ Decrease inflammation
❤ Improve overall skin texture
❤ Maintain collagen levels

Why NanoMD® Bright?
❤ It is, by far, the most powerful supplement that is able to add years of healthy, glowing skin by utilising nano technologies to radically improve its skin brightening potential.
❤ Use of the product is protected by one or more U.S. and other international patents.

Personal Experience

For a start, I only consume NanoMD® Bright for one month (i.e. one tablet a day, for 30 days) but I am happy to see some changes in my skin appearance already! I do get exposed alot to the sun everyday and sunblock can never be enough for me. With NanoMD® Bright, the skin appears to be less irritated by the harsh sunny condition.

Beauty Tips:
NanoMD® Bright works best with Vitamin C, so it would be good to maintain sufficient Vitamin C level in the body -- grapefruits or supplements would help.

For best result, consume NanoMD® Bright for 90 days and you'll be amazed by the significantly brighter skin!

Overall Verdict
1. For a more holistic solution to skin darkening and aging, NanoMD® Bright is a great option.
2. It works beyond restoring our healthy, glowing skin as it protects, repairs and brightens skin from the inside out.
3. As NanoMD® Bright is a specialised supplement for brightening, it is recommended that you should first consult doctors before consuming. Since NanoMD® Bright is currently available in selected aesthetics clinics in Malaysia, feel free to approach them and find out more about the products.

Where to Buy NanoMD® Bright?
NanoMD® Bright is available in Malaysia and Singapore, exclusively at selected prestigious aesthetic clinics (see below).

Consultation is recommended so that the physician can evaluate whether you may benefit from the use of this novel product.

Alainn Clinic - Kuala Lumpur and Petaling Jaya (

SHENS Clinic (
TES Clinic (

For more information about NanoMD® Bright, please visit

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