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27 April, 2019

[HEALTH] BiO-LiFE MEGA-C Plus Bioflavonoid Vitamin C Handy in Sachet

Since young, Mom has been telling me to eat more oranges because it is the main source of Vitamin C. But when I grow up, I realise that we are all so busy with our daily schedule and hardly find time and opportunities to enjoy oranges. Plus, Vitamin C is a water soluble vitamin that is easily excreted via urine. Hence, replenishing Vitamin C everyday is extremely important!

To make life easier, BiO-LiFE has introduced the MEGA-C Plus Bioflavonoid Vitamin C in sachet.

What does Vitamin C do?
Vitamin C plays a vital role in building up our body health system fighting against any pathogenic infections which is harmful to our body. When immune system is functioning optimally, it helps to protect us from pathogenic and harmful substances.

So, if you ever experience bleeding gum, slow wound healing, frequent nosebleeds, splitting hair or dry scaly skin, you'd know you gotta boost Vitamin C level in your body.

BiO-LiFE MEGA-C Plus Bioflavonoid high-strength Vitamin C drinks
come in a box of 30 convenient once-a-day powder sachets.

 Each contains 1000mg of Vitamin C, plus Lemon Bioflavonoid Complex and no added sugar.

Taking Vitamin C has never been so convenient before. With BiO-LiFE MEGA-C Plus Bioflavonoid, I can easily bring a sachet to office everyday and dissolve it with a glass of cold water to serve as my orange-flavoured breakfast drink. Plus, the individually-packaged Vitamin C powder has lower risk of oxidation, hence deliver better effectiveness to our body. 

It is especially easy and convenient whenever I travel because I can pack as many sachets as I want into my luggage and share with my travel buddies without worrying about the weight. 

I am sure you've seen so many types of Vitamin C supplements out there, so you must be wondering what's so great about BiO-LiFE MEGA-C Plus Bioflavonoid?

Apart from the ease of convenience, MEGA-C Plus Bioflavonoid is enriched with bioflavonoid, to increase the utilization and absorption of Vitamin C in the body.

The usual Vitamin C may cause stomach discomfort as it is acid base in nature. However, MEGA C Plus Bioflavonoid is in ascorbate form, making it a better choice without irritating our stomach. Gentle and better absorption!

Here's the summary of importance of BiO-LiFE MEGA-C Plus Bioflavonoid:
Strengthen body health system
 Fight against free radical damage to body
 Maintain general health
 High antioxidants 

Who Should Consume BiO-LiFE MEGA-C Plus Bioflavonoid?
Suitable for all aged 12 years and above namely
busy and active working folks, travelers and people with poor health.

Where to Buy?
All leading pharmacies in Malaysia such as Caring, Guardian, Watsons and independent pharmacies.

How Much?
RM 55 per box of 30 sachets.

For more information, please visit BiO-LiFE official website:

Or contact Customer Care (Mon-Fri: 8am-5pm) at 03-7499 7999 /

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