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10 August, 2019

Is Hiring Professional Cleaners Necessary at the End of Tenancy?

When it comes to getting new tenants, apartments and houses need to be in tip-top shape and ready for presentation. End of tenancy cleaning is one thing most landlords or previous tenants should do; you want the place you own to be attractive and clean. And sometimes you can’t do it yourself, take a look below at why hiring professional cleaners can be beneficial for you.

Time To Move On

When you're a tenant, and you've been living in an apartment for a while, it eventually becomes your responsibility to maintain a decent level of cleanliness during your tenancy period as well as when you’re about to leave your apartment. Since the place is not really yours and belongs to your landlord, when it's time to move out you should think of hiring professional end of lease cleaning specialists because it's the right thing to do. Your landlord would appreciate the effort done and might even reimburse you with the money spent on hiring professional cleaners. But if you're the landlord and your tenant left the place in such a messy state, you really must get cleaners to help you make it more presentable and attractive. A clean property is more likely to lure in new tenants faster when your old ones have just moved out.

Some Landlords Make It Mandatory

During the contract signing or the end of the tenancy period, your landlord will probably mention that you should follow his mandatory needs. The request would require you to comply with the hygiene standard indicated in the starting agreement. So depending on the size of the place, where it's located, and your budget, you might be inclined to hire some help to get the place cleaned. Some contracts have a binding clause that should be followed, otherwise, you might be looking at a fine and you don't need that when you're in the process of moving.

The Most Common Reasons Why You Would Need Help

Sometimes there are certain aspects in our lives or in the property that would require you to get help, doing it alone would be somewhat a hassle or impossible. Start asking yourself if it's a good idea to do it in order to get your security deposit as a guarantee. Or maybe you feel like you're not confident or capable of cleaning the property and meet your landlord's standards. Another reason could be that you have a busy lifestyle and you cannot find time to clean the property yourself. And possibly your rented property is too large, and there are several rooms to clean so you want a reliable cleaning service that can do all of it easily. Whichever reason you have, it's honestly quite worth it.

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With our busy and hectic lifestyles or our schedules that take most of our time, it is very difficult to dedicate time for cleaning our properties thoroughly. Many people, especially working professionals do not have time or energy to clean their homes after a hectic day. When your rental home is nearing the end of its tenancy period and you are about to move to a new place, your head is full of thoughts and the anxiety of everything regarding the move is already pressuring you. So it's completely worth to ease that pressure by hiring professionals to clean for you.

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