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10 Things You Ought to Know About Me

1. My nickname is FiSh.
It isn’t an impolite thing to call me FiSh, because it is my name!

2. My real name is Sze Hui.
I know this name is common everywhere .____. And you can’t remember it, can you?

3. I have been blogging since year 2010!
It has been a long, fulfilling journey in this blogging world because it always brings me to various countries / places, gives me countless experiences and fun times, as well as allows me to meet new people in life. I love being a blogger!

4. I love photography.
I bring my compact camera wherever I go, after I give up on my bulky DSLRs from Nikon and Canon. I am a super Sony supporter now (Please don't hate me!)

5. I am an Instagram addict.
Follow me on @ohfishiee to find out more about my daily life.

6. I love travelling.
I may not have covered even 10% of the world, but I believe someday I will :)

7. I always believe in this quote.
--- Ignorance is bliss.

8. I love photo editing.
Photoshop, Snapseed and Facetune are my daily "essentials" :P

9. I have a day job!
I am currently working in the accounting line (Yes, long working hours and late nights, you're right), with a couple of months more to officially be an ACCA member. 

10. I am 101% suffering from katsaridaphobia!

Heyya peeps! I shall have some self-introducing, not self-talking. In case if you are first time passing by here and don’t have a clue who am I, this will be a good start.

I’m Fong Sze Hui, and FiSh actually resembles the initials of my name.
FSH add one “i”would be FiSh, something I thought of since 2005.

Meanwhile, ohfishiee is a stupid idea popped out from my mind in the end of 2009, 
hoping that it is something different that would leave imprints on others.

Hope you can extend your loyal support here, readers and fellow bloggers!

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