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04 May, 2008

A short post on 05 04 2008~

Exam Fiesta~

It’s exam again, starting from this coming Tuesday until the last Tuesday of May before holiday. Aww… Two weeks of exam… What should I say about it? Honestly, I am not prepared for it yet, at least not now. Even if I have time to study or do revision, I would rather spending it online or strolling the streets somewhere. Aiks… I just couldn’t imagine what result would I get for this coming mid-term exam. During Biology tuition class today, I have an instinct that I will fail in Bio. Guess what, I don’t even know how to do the whole thing Leongleong gave us--- I didn’t know how to do, draw, etc… Plus, Leongleong kept asking me to complete the whole exercise on the piece of paper. I was like, how am I going to finish it when I don’t even remember a thing of it? Nevermind ba…it’s the first exam according to the format after all. It is not a big deal right if I really fail with flying colours? LOL I suddenly remembered a quote which KaWah always said --- Fail dengan cemerlang~. Anyway, let’s strive hard for this exam. No matter how is the result, it doesn’t matter as long as we have tried our best right? Hehes, I bet it’s the best way to convince myself that it is not entirely my fault after all..

[[[ I feel bad for being so bad ]]]
{ I knew what does my heart actually thinks, but my mind warns it not to think so }

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