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16 July, 2008

Random… {[其实我很介意~]}

I missed the bus today, because of Ariff’s class =.=”
I should have go out earlier or straight away skip his class.. ugghhh
Luckily someone was outside, waiting for the bus too…
I don’t really know him, but I was with him the whole afternoon =.=”
During classes,
I met Brandon,
I met Yenyi, [with *someone* I think =X]
I met a close stranger
He was approaching me while she suddenly appeared beside him,
I knew she felt weird when he suddenly came to me and wanted to talk,
However anyway finally he didn’t,
I knew why.
But I just didn’t understand why did I hide myself from them when I see them.
I felt stupid too,
But that was the only thing I can do.

刚才我无意中发现了一件关于他的事情, 我很想知道那些暗号代表什么。。。

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