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16 September, 2008

09 16 2008~
Actually you should learn to forgive her,
remember, you will always be in her heart (:
I think I didn't update for days liao... Aiks...busy busy...with so many kinds of stuff =.="

~Civic project.... Was about to finish it...

~Periscope thingy... Things are all ready, but still don't have the mood to do it xD

~Exam is coming, 3 more weeks to go, but Pn. Tan made me feel like it is just a couple of days away from now =.="

~Still struggling with my singing voice... I don't wish that my voice is sooooooooo soft aikssss, and I am trying my best not to 走音 LOL

~I am still dreaming all day.... People in my class are mostly doing exercises and practices in class, but I seem like not doing anything... And I still spend alot of time to sleep and watch TV...

~Haven't revise for all subjects especially Biology. Thanks to Mr. A. And I was so embarassed that I can't answer 4questions of Leongleong last Sunday T_T *sigh*

* I just spent some time sitting in front of the laptop, "making" this picture.
xD Thanks to Mr. FS Lim for being such a pro photographer and let's see....our photo is so nice =D LOL It seems 100% real isn't it? LOL not so kua cheong lar... maybe 90% real? Hahas.

{{{ Owh... Did I mention him?

I guess I didn't...

Well need not to. }}}

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