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28 October, 2008

=D school holiday todayyyy, for Deepavali…
Finish unpacking all the trip stuff,
:) Rushed to finish up all the invitation cards
for Librarian Annual Dinner ‘08

* You must be wondering what are these....

and these too >.<

cut paste draw colour

for us ♥ librarians

for our “beloved” teachers xD

___Having the passion to do every single thing here,
thou’ the attendance of librarians on the day is not so satisfying…
(: Let’s prove to them that
it’s their loss for not attending this dinner

Also made choc cookies with Sis in the morning
while online-ing xD
=D this time is successful,

Although there is still space of improvement
on its appearance LOL

Aaaaaaaaaanyway it’s not enough for *you to eat xD,
so nextime ba..


I just back from YeeWen's house for drama + singing practice xD
I am playing the role of the voice of Juliet LOL

I love this character xDD...
Not shy at all unlike *someone xD
♥♥♥ Heart *it =DD
*I really didn't know that our library is so rich xD
Thanks to Miss Treasurer =DD

^^ Looks like graduation certs xD
But edible ones xD

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