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19 December, 2008

Christmas Reunion~
With 3Gs of 2007 xD
Location: Mid Valley

Watched this--- Beverly Hills Chihuahua
A nice movie it is :D
Worth watching...
I love Delgado and Papi by the way xD!!

Everything looks beautiful except for the joker's face above xD

*Our reflection upon the bell~
Artistic eh? xD!!

*The circus members ^^

Kawaii horsie~

I feel like being in the circus than a Christmas celebration =X

If you notice, I love the pink hearty on the tree :D

Ta-Daa~ Our group picture :D
*The only guy in the photo is Kritz,
thanks to KwanYew who ran away from taking photo with us =X

FiSh + Chee Kuan`

My hubbyKritz =DD

They're both sweet :)

Shimmering hat + Horny hat xD

Aww... don't be shy (:

Me ; Chee Meng ; Li Yueng

Borrowed from TeddyTales for photoshooting xD
RM12.90, the hat is SO trendy nowadays T_T
How I'd wish to have one as well xD

I found Xmas feel here :)

Posing with lil' puppet here :D

I L♥VE lollis =D

I bought a piece of Tee by the way :)
Look at the description of the Tee xD

"Queen B*itch"
In case that you still can't notice,
I bought b*itchy clothes!! xD!!

I miss the fun with the guys :(

P/S: There are just too few pictures *sigh*...
NO camwhoring in the whole day~

Oh ya,
If you want the original pictures, do get them from my Facebook :D

So it was a wonderful day, and I only spend RM36.70 xD!! For the food at YoyoSnack, the BeverlyHillsChihuahua ticket, and my bitchy Tee. I, too met Sanji, MerV and KwanYew but didn't have a chance taking photo with them T_T

And...until today I still couldn't spare some time spending with you, our schedules are totally hope to see you tomorrow :)

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