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20 March, 2009

The skin.
Back to normal!
People kept complaining bout my so-called new, ugly skin.
That's why I urged to change everything back to normal (:

I hated the marching session today.
Some people acted so awkwardly by teasing, laughing and yelling.
I'd wished to quit if possible ):

I approached Mr. How, feeling better when he told me that he was absolutely alright. Since he has years of experience confronting all sorts of complications, *this is not something to bother him. And sorry coz' I didn't note that you horned me so loudly in the middle of the road =X --- something was bothering my mind that time .He-Hes.

To ______ [Fill in the blanks yourself LOL],

I hope we can be best friends like we always do (:
Of course, I trusted what you said by taking it seriously.
Your confession just didn't come in the nick of time,
but that's not important for we shall never know the future

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