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07 May, 2009

Hooray :D
Finally done everything!.
I am referring to the photography job (:
I used 1 month and 8 days to get everything done.
I understood that the afternoon session photographs
are MUCH more troublesome,
so thanks to the great helpers (:
P/S: Thanks for continue being in the team!

Many people have asked me bout
when to get the photographs.
Actually the photos are already developed, for morning session.
We already distributed some,
so hope you can receive your photographs soon!
Do look for your Pengerusi Kelab/Persatuan/Permainan
if you still cannot get the photos.

And... if there is any complaint
[eg: You didn't get your photo, or
the photographs are TOO bright]

do not hesitate to talk to me (:
I will 'chase' the photos for you! Haha!
:) Hopefully you can be patient!

Will be another hectic day.
Everything seems to be coming again,
The photos...
After distributing them,
we need to collect back the sample photo.
Hope it is not as tough as collecting money.
Gotta start praying to God from now T_T

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