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08 May, 2009

Editorial Board’s
Teams photo session (:

Time: 12.30 to 3.15pm
Date: 8 May 2009, Friday [P/S: Happy Birthday Justin ]
Photographers: Yeewen, Hoejun, Waikit and I :)

I used an hour to edit all the photographs,
And credits to Kit’s DSLR xD!

Grab all you want!
To get the original photographs,
*Click HERE~♥

*The HUGE team! Let's work hand in hand :D

Graphic designers...

*Awww dangerous stunts =X

*Designers are all creative people :D

Haha! They were outside, and I am inside the cage!

Marketing department...

*Owhh yeng!

I love this--- under the huge leaves (:

OmG! Vivi looks SEXY again LOL
The Reporters...

Oh kewl :)

Wahh so hardworking! LOL
And US, photographers!

Pointing at.... ?

*Blend into the nature xD

*First silly shot =X

*Secone one, even sillier xD!!

*Third one! Looks... weird? LOL

:D Team rocks!

*Under the sky (:
The main thing here we want
is the sky actually xD

*Hot, glaring sun! Sweating! LOL

*Superb editors (:

OmG stern look!

*Edited ALOT! that's why it turns that

*The background looks REAL?

*Sweeties (:

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