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05 May, 2009


Not only in Sri Petaling,
But everywhere!

A night before,
Dad came home and parked the carat our flat car park area.
The next morning…
4.30am :
It was raining heavily at my housing area.
And some Malay guys aimed on his car,
Smashed the mirror.
Everything shattered.
Stole road tax.

According my neighbours,
Road tax is useful to be put on the vehicles
used for burglary, robbery etc.

*The seat is full of shattered pieces of mirror

Nothing in the car is missing,
Except the road tax.
It costs Dad RM210 to repair the broken mirror = =

*Look over the left side!

Dad made police report early in the morning,
Around 7.15am.
Guess what,
Our Pondok Polis Seri Petaling has not opened yet!
And Dad is already the second person who reported
bout the same type of case.
According to the policewoman,
there was another case same as Dad’s happened
at the Endah Ria Condo
[near the Friday night market road]
on the same day,
at almost the same time!

I felt unsafe staying at this area ):

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