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13 May, 2009

It was Mathematics paper today.
More often than not
I thought Maths is nothing tough
Compared to the other Science subjects.
But this time,
I found it difficult to avoid
Making a slip.

It was the very first time
That I have not enough time
For Maths paper.

When I was having my hand full,
Of course I don’t wish to be interfered.
You may ask answers from me,
I don’t mind but
There is always a limit.
Just don’t get on my nerves (:

Honestly I don’t want to let you down
I don’t hope such small matter
to ruin our strong-bonded friendship,
I am not saying that
You are having an edge over me.
I just want you to understand
that you should not depend on others too much.
Don’t just rest on your laurels (:

If in the previous exam
You ask the answer from A-to-Z
For ONE subject,
Now you indeed ask for TWO.
And sooner or later
I better hand in my paper
by the name of yours right?

Like what Mr. Murugan said,
“We have to be cruel in order to be kind”.
True enough.
I must not spoil you (:
Hope tomorrow it would be better.

No perfect answers for you.
But I will still try my best to help you :D

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