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23 June, 2009

Gahhh. Do you ever know that you made me frustrated most of the time? Your way of pretending as if you're the best mankind on Earth made me feel like slapping YOU. If she is the World's No.1 Bitch, then I bet YOU are the World's No.2.

Sorry, please ignore what I've just said.

I should not be acting rude when I am begging you to do me a favour.
Notice my word?
I beg you,
You have taken one away from me,
please DON'T snatch another one as well,
I need him.

I was just a little freaked up by your selfishness.
But I have pleaded you, haven't I?


Okay, heart-to-heart talk now.

*You recognized your text right?

I know you're reading this and since you do not know Chinese,
I choose simple, clear English here =)

Seriously this message of yours battered my soul,
I never realised that brooding silence in us can be so deafening,
so I choose to speak before you.

I do not know whether I am speaking in the nick of time,
I just need you to understand nothing happens on me, but you and I
[NOTE: No pronoun (i.e. us) used in this context]

Do you remember the ignorance of mine
in turn becomes a bliss of yours?
You know how straight-forward I am, don't you?
I could not just grin and bear it.
I could not resist the cold feelings of dread.
Ahh, Whatsoever shit I am talking here since I myself do not understand.

Since fate plays its part and we aren't changing our tune,
I just hope not to have that strange expression anymore.
That grimace kills, if you notice.

I shall stop writing before you explode with rage.
Alright, you may contact me via Facebook
to view your opinion as well.
I will not stop you.
And by the way,
I am not emo, just a lil' denial :D

P/S: Readers, get the hint. Don't ask who is this person, since I purposely mosaiced the phone number above.

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