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12 November, 2009

:D We've graduated!

The graduation photoshooting.

The HUGE group photo :D

This is a lil’ blur. But we will be getting the original photograph from Jeff next week. So be patient, peeps! Thanks to the 4 teachers who are willing to come down for photographing session. Thanks Miss Liew for coordinating the whole event throughout the day!

The crowd.
Thanks one-hundred and thirty four Form5 students who support this idea of Graduation Day T___T.

DaddyLoke and I. We graduate together, hahas!

My baju kebaya is from Cik Mazlina :D
And Vivi’s from Amir :X !!!

Both look very similar right? x)

The girls whom I heart a LOT! [P/S: Picture with DarlingSpell is in Facebook]

More pictures uploaded on Facebook

The Pre-17th Birthday.

Look at my arm. Birthday wish hand-written by Vivi. Photographed by JoeyC.

And the Facebook wishes….

There are more to go but… I am lazy to post everything here.
DO view them in my Facebook profile
= =

And this.. Heart-broken T________________________T!

Please notice on which day did I receive this text message. And he even put the blame on Friendster birthday reminder for being wrong. Oh. How pathetic. Friendster sux anyway :X!

Hope the rehearsal goes well tomorrow :))

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