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28 September, 2015

I Have Graduated!! : MMU, Cyberjaya

Disclaimer: This is going to be a very lengthy post.

It's my graduation! 

5 years. 5 years of studying in Multimedia University (MMU) Cyberjaya has come to an end. 

Now that it felt that everything was fated. 5 years ago, I was planning to enrol into Sunway University but I got an offer from JPA for accountancy course in MMU Malacca. A week later, I was informed that I'd be placed in MMU Cyberjaya instead, with all my tuition fees, hostel fees and living costs being taken care of by the government.

Well, who wouldn't go for free stuff? So I went in, and the rest of the days have now become history. 

As for my graduation day, I had been looking for photographers to do a simple shooting, but the rates are unexpectedly steep! I am glad to have finally found my high school junior, Tommy from TM Photography to do an outdoor shooting for me around Cyberjaya and Putrajaya. 

Thank you Tommy and his girlfriend, Kityin who was my makeup artist of the shoot! I personally love his pictures alot!!! He took more than a hundred pictures during the short session, and how I'd wish I can share all of them here with you... By the way, he does alot of bridal photography, event shooting as well as portraiture. 

Feel free to contact him via his Facebook Page if you're keen :) 

I was not sure if I should feel happy for completing my degree with flying colours, or feel sad and reluctant to leave the university life and step into the working world. At this point of time, life is full of certainties. Would I be using my certificate of Bachelor Degree in Accounting (Honours), or could I just try something different? Well, it remains as a question mark, but at least I am happy with what I am doing now  

Thank you MMU and CPA Australia for having me as one of the 4 special award winners,
making my 5-year effort spent well-worth!

The university which I did not expect to have entered.
The place where I met alot of kind souls and unexpected friends.
The second home which I used to stay for years, with different roomies. 
The playground where I went camping and had club activities with a huge bunch.
The point where I fell in love and fell out of love. 

To my family, 

Thank you Daddy, Mummy, Godmum and Sis for spoiling me like a baby girl for so many years. Love all your beautiful flowers, gigantic balloons and gifts! I still remember those days when I used to stay at the hostel, and Dad would have to fetch me home every weekend. Mum would prepare loads of fruits, water and dry food supplies, worrying that I might get hungry in the middle of the night. They'd call occasionally during weekdays, checking if I was alright.

As soon as I moved home after 3 years, I started driving to university everyday, and most of the time I'd have to juggle between studies and blogging jobs. Honestly, the road was kinda rocky at the beginning but I was lucky to gain unconditional support from the family. Thanks for being so understanding and granting me the freedom to choose what I love doing.

Although I was financially supported by JPA, the family would try to satisfy my needs whenever they could. I understand that people can easily walk into and out of your life, but family stays. Forever.

Those silent "Thank You"s and gratitude are all I want to tell you all this while. 

To my coursemates, 

The girls whom I have met since the very first day I stepped into this university. The people whom I have worked and laughed with over these 5 years. The days we stayed till late nights for club activities, the days we did assignments and presentations together, the days we spent in camp, the midnights we laid on the stadium waiting for shooting stars.

Together we have now completed this journey, but friendship doesn't end there. I am certainly looking forward to crossing each other's path again in future, who knows we may end up being close colleagues next time?

Thank you; University life just wouldn't be complete without you guys :') 

To my university friends, 

They were the people who entered the university together with me. Some were even my 'neighbours' at the campus hostel. Some had graduated earlier, while others were still enjoying the university life. I honestly couldn't recall the last time I actually met you guys in person but I was really happy to see you again during my graduation day, although most of us had gone separate paths to pursue own dreams.

Among so many friends who came to me, I guess the most frequent comment I got from you was, "Hey I love your blog!". I didn't know my university mates actually follow this blog and literally know what I have been up to. I sincerely thank each and every one of you for supporting this blog, and if you happen to read this line, please say Hi to me via the comment box below! 

To the babes, 

Thank you for coming to my convocation and making this day even more memorable for me! I'm really touched to have you girls (and the photographer behind this picture!) throughout the whole day-- going all the way to KL to get me a pretty bouquet of roses, then handling the flowers and balloons for me, fixing my mortar board each time I wanna take picture despite of the hot scorching sun for soooo many hours. Where else can I find such sweet friends in life? One is my good friend for the past 16 years, and the other for 10 years now. I just couldn't believe time flies so quickly but yeah let's keep the years counting!

And not forgetting to mention the person who became my personal photographer on that day, I hope you are all well in UK now, and I'm looking forward for cafe hopping with you again when you come back ya. Thanks for bearing with me although you know I'm very particular with every single shot. :P Without your great help, I really couldn't imagine how I gonna capture those precious moments.

To the high school BFFs, 

Thanks for dropping by! It was great seeing you here, although we didn't manage to catch up much on that day. But I promise to hang out with you peeps real soon kay?

To the awesome people I met throughout the blogging journey, 

I really didn't expect you guys to be around, because Cyberjaya is just too far away right? Thank you for making your way here and giving me sweet little surprises! I am glad that God has brought us close to each other through random events which we used to attend together. Although now we no longer meet as often as we used to, I hope we can remain close and I will always be there when you need me :)

And finally, to you, 

Thank you for making up a significant part of my university life. Without you, I wouldn't stand as who I am today. I really do cherish those happy moments, wherever we went and whatever we did. I know it is difficult to find someone like you, who was willing to stay by my side despite of rain or shine, to cheer me up during my toughest time, to give me little surprises every now and then, to wait for me patiently, to provide your best support for 3 whole years.... I finally understand what it takes to consistently put in 101% unconditional effort onto me, for more than a thousand days.

Throughout my early days in MMU, I should thank you for pampering me like a princess and offering your helping hands without fail. Being my best friend, listener, photographer, driver, laughing pill, and even personal shopper is probably the toughest job you've gotten ever :P Thanks for literally experiencing the process of growing up with me...

I remember you had once told me, "You can only prioritize 3 things in life", and I had chosen my Degree studies, ACCA and blogging. I admit I had made my life so hectic that I had to let go of you. Yet stupidly, I always tell myself that I didn't regret for making that decision, because those heartbreaks which we had been through would only make us stronger persons now. Somehow, on this big day that I met you once again, I knew I had made the right choice because you are now with a better angel, being a happier person that I've ever seen :) 

If you happen to read this, I'd sincerely like to say I'm sorry and thanks for the memories.
Wish you the best, and please stay happy always x.

Multimedia University. June 2010 - May 2015. The End.
Dear God, please lead me well to the next chapter of life..

xoxo, FiSh 


  1. Congrats!!! All the best in your working life!

  2. congrats happy for u on ur graduation!

  3. Congrats!!!

    Emily from

  4. Congrats!!!

    Emily from

  5. Congrats, some bitter sweet memories there. MMU is a great place, indeed.

  6. Congrats! Looking at your photos make me miss the moment of me receiving the scroll on the stage at grand hall many years ago. hahaha


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