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27 May, 2017

Why Am I Still Using

As a blogger, I often come across this question posed by my readers:
Am I using or Wordpress or self-hosted website, and why?

Well, I started using Blogger 7 years ago, but I also have an inactive Wordpress account which I gave up halfway when trying to figure out the coding and stuff. Ever since then, I have been loyal to Blogger only. 

Are you a user too?
The reasons why I love are pretty simple. Here are some of them:

1. User-friendly
It is super easy to use. Back then, I don't even have any idea on what is HTML code but Blogger does not require one to have such knowledge to start a blog. The ready-made, customizable template is easier for simple, minimalist blog layout (like I have here)

2. It's FREE!
Yes, because is free if your URL ends with For mine, the cost is actually very minimal every year to buy a .com domain :) 

3. Google sync
Another reason I like Blogger is because it links to Google account. I usually connect my blog directly to Google Analytics to know my audience in details and Google AdSense to earn few pennies. 

4. Large storage space
Blogger helps to safely store all my posts, photos, and more with Google for free. For other website hosting providers, the space can cost a bomb.

But... do you agree that any free stuff may be limited to certain extent of services? 

I mean, in cases where you need more flexibility / creativity / better reach out to your target audience, I personally feel that is not sufficient. Especially for proper businesses (online stores etc) or corporate websites, I believe a self-hosted website is much needed,...

I have come across this listing of 8 Best Web Hosting For Malaysia Websites 2017 
which I find it useful if you need a more professional solution. 

Reasons to switch to self-hosted website:
1. Speed
Do you agree, in doing business, the speed of your site is crucial? Research shows that you can gain 3% increased sales for every second reduced from 15 seconds to 7 seconds! 

If your audience is mostly Malaysian, choose a web host with fast speeds in that region. At Bitcatcha, they measure server speed and give every host a score from A+ to D -- hence showing you server speed for 8 different locations. 

2. Security
It becomes increasingly important to safeguard your data using web host with strong security credentials! Imagine being hacked / attacked by is better to be safe than sorry.  

3. Automatic backups 
One thing I learn about the importance recently is having a backup for your content all the time. And a good web host does auto backups, so safe than sorry!

If you need a complete guide, feel free to check out the Web Hosts For Malaysian Sites comparison before settling for one! 

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