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09 December, 2019

[FOOD] Easy Recipe with Healthy Yukiguni Maitake Mushroom

It’s a lazy Sunday and I am at home whipping up something healthy for lunch. I reckon we all have hectic lifestyle everyday, so there is more reason to eat healthily and live well!

Yukiguni Maitake Mushrooms by Yukiguni Maitake Co Ltd

The star of today’s menu is the Yukiguni Maitake Mushroom from Japan, or more commonly known as “hen of the woods”. Ever since I came back from my last Japan trip, I have been craving for it. Luckily I manage to get some from AEON supermarket (at only RM5.90 per pack), so let’s try it out…

Why Maitake Mushrooms?

Don’t belittle these mushrooms. They may look ordinary but are punch-packed with various nutrients such as:

 Vitamin D: Enhances immune system, muscles and bones, especially for children’s growth
 Antioxidants: Anti-aging benefits
 Dietary fibre: Promotes bowel movement
 Alpha and beta glucans: Boosts immune system

Not only that, maitake mushrooms also help regulate blood sugar and cholesterol, hence suitable for those with diabetes. Overall, maitake mushrooms are low in calorie, cholesterol and sodium, as well as free from fat.

Now, some of you must be wondering, “How could I not know about such healthy and nutritious mushroom?!”

Since 1983, in Yukiguni Maitake, the maitake mushrooms are mass-cultivated using Japanese technology for 3 months under a clean and controlled environment. Hence, they are pesticide free, chemical free, and can be enjoyed without washing!

When imported into Malaysia, it is nicely packed to preserve its freshness. Each box of fresh maitake can last for about 7 days, and must be kept under 10°C.

How to prepare these all-natural mushrooms and enjoy the powerful health benefits?

Maitake mushroom is probably one of the easiest ingredients to cook. It can be roasted, grilled, baked, deep-fried, sautéed, stir-fried or boiled. So versatile yet so easy to prepare!

Here are some of the sample dishes recommended on Yukiguni Maitake’s website: Stir-fried Maitake with Pea Sprouts and Eggs, Salt-fried Noodles with Maitake, Dumpling Pot with Maitake, Aglio e Olio Peperoncino Pasta with Yukiguni Mushrooms, etc.

Be it in the Japanese, Chinese, Italian, or Western way, I am sure there is something that will suit your discerning palate.

Mine is a simple Maitake Mushroom Alfredo Pasta. Super easy and quick!

1 pack of maitake mushroom, chopped
2 tablespoons of butter
1/4 cup of onion, julienned
8 cloves of garlic, chopped
1/4 lemon, juiced and zested
1 cup of alfredo pasta sauce (or make your own)
1/2 cup of tomato, peeled, seeded and chopped
Fine sea salt
Fine ground black pepper
140g pasta (any shape)

1. Put salt into boiling water, and boil the spaghetti.
2. Melt butter in a large saucepan over medium-high heat. Add onion, and sautéed until caramelized.
3. Add garlic, and cook just until softened and fragrant. Add maitake mushrooms, lemon zest and lemon juice. Cook until reduced by half.
4. Add pasta sauce and tomatoes. Cook until reduced to slightly thickened consistency.
5. Add in the boiled pasta, then mix at low heat.
6. Season to taste with salt and ground black pepper as you like.

Ta-daa! Here’s my simple lunch. Feel free to add other ingredients such as meat or vegetables according to your preference. For me, maitake mushroom alone is good enough to whip up a delicious and satisfying meal.

Tastewise, maitake mushroom gives a strong punch of umami flavour without feeling too earthy on the palate. I am generally a fan of mushrooms, but maitake is seriously more flavourful and has nicer texture than any ordinary mushroom. I believe people who don’t usually like the earthiness of mushroom will enjoy maitake!

Overall, Yukiguni Maitake mushroom is an all-rounder in terms of nutrients, health benefits, freshness, taste and texture. It can be part of my everyday diet already! Recommended for both young and old, especially for the health conscious.

More recipes are available here:

Now, time to shop for Yukiguni Maitake mushrooms at any major AEON shopping malls in the Klang Valley and enjoy cooking! Please share with me if you love maitake too!

For more information, please visit

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