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16 September, 2020

How to Earn More Money as an Influencer via ConfirmPlusChop

If you have been following my blog or Instagram, I am sure you have seen my beauty product reviews for various brands over the past few years. I am thankful that you guys have supported me all these while and my collaborations / endorsements with the brands have brought about some sales for them too. 

Since I can see plenty of positive response on the product reviews especially beauty and health related items, I have decided to explore more earnings via ConfirmPlusChop

It is a platform where brands get to collaborate with influencers, and pay only when there is a sale. It allows brands to build trust among customers, through honest and sincere demonstrations and reviews by influencers, which in turn will drive sale for the brands. However, there is no payment for the posting itself.

Do you know that in the recent Alibaba Malaysia Week in September, an influencer was able to sell over 80,000 bottles of Malaysian birds’ nests within 5 minutes? Do you think you can achieve sales for the brands? If yes, then ConfirmPlusChop is for you.

In short, the more you sell, the more you earn!
ConfirmPlusChop platform allows you sell the products on your e-com page, directly from the factory to the end customers at a lower price than the normal market price. 

How does it work?
1. Log in to ConfirmPlusChop Page.
2. Browse for the products and request for samples of products you are interested in. You will receive a notification upon being selected by the brand.
3. Share your review on your social media platforms, and direct your audience to your own e-commerce listing site. 
4. Receive a margin when they purchase.

Check out my my e-commerce page to see the products I like which may also interest you!

Personally, I think it is the power of the word of mouth that creates this opportunity for us influencers to make extra bucks. I find it interesting to be able to try out various new products that I may not know about previously. Then if I am a satisfied user of the products, I am more than happy to share them with my followers via a couple of mentions in IG stories. It works similarly to affiliate programmes, but the commission is much higher as it can go up to 25% per sale.  

Benefits for the brands? It is a cost-saving method of marketing and obtaining better reach to a wider base of customers. With the influencers' help to spread the word, it not only drives sales but also builds brand awareness as well. 

So, don't forget to check out ConfirmPlusChop and start earning some moo-lah! 

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