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01 October, 2021

Everything that You Need to Know About Traveling With Your Pet

If you are looking to move overseas or are going to be traveling for an extended period of time, then you will probably be wondering how you can take your pet with you. Traveling with your pet is, in general, more expensive and complicated than traveling alone, but as any pet owner will testify, your pet is your family member, and they cannot be left behind. If you are wondering about the logistics of traveling with your pet, then you will probably be left with a lot of questions. This guide is here to help you learn more about the logistics of traveling with a pet.

Should You Fly With Your Pet?
The first question that you need to be asking yourself is if you should even be flying with your pet. There are a lot of factors that will go into making the decision about whether it is best to fly with your pet or not.

Flying can be a very stressful experience for a pet, as it forces them out of their comfort zone into unfamiliar surroundings. While traveling, your pet will be exposed to loud noises, bright lights, a huge number of people, as well as changes in temperature and air pressure. This experience can be very traumatic for pets, so it is vital that you think carefully about whether flying with your pet is the best option.

If you have to get somewhere in a hurry, you will probably need to fly, but that doesn’t automatically mean your pet will have to fly too. As Shiply explains, there are many pet transport options that are often less expensive and easier on your pet than flying. It is worth taking the time to look into all options before you decide to fly with your pet.

Pack The Right Carrier
Whether your pet is traveling by road, in the cabin, or in the cargo of the airplane, packingthe right carrier is key. If you are flying with your pet, then you should check out the airline’s requirements for crates and carriers. As a general rule, your crate will need to be durable, offer lots of ventilation, and have a leak-proof bottom. If your pet is traveling in the hold, you will need to clearly mark the crate or carrier with the phrase “live animal”.

Visit the Vet
Before traveling with your pet, it is a good idea to go to the vet for a check-up. If you are traveling to another country or traveling on a plane, you will need the vet to sign a certificate that states that your pet is healthy enough to ply and has up-to-date immunizations. It is a good idea to check the airline criteria for this to find out when to schedule your vet visit to ensure your certificate is not out of date.
Consider Your Destination

Another vital step to take before traveling anywhere overseas with your pet is to find out what rules your country of destination has. Some countries don’t allow certain pets or have very strict pet quarantine rules. The quarantine can mean that you are separated from your pet for a significant amount of time. They can also be pretty costly, so it is important to check the rule and regulations before traveling.

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