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07 March, 2008

A boring post…

03 07 2008
Finally exam had ended…I remembered the day I was reading and memorizing History facts, I thought I would get a C soon, because things simply couldn’t get into my mind. Well I knew that I couldn’t concentrate on Bio, Chemistry, Physics and History test when something bears me in my mind. That’s why I didn’t do well in these tests especially Chemistry =.= how sad…I finally realized that the scolding was true --- I really didn’t put all my effort in it, since it is just a test after all. Or I am more concerned in other things than this exam? My heart simply knew it better than me myself.

A day after exam, some results were out =.= since when the teachers became so efficient? And to my surprise, my result for History is the one that I satisfied the most. But…with those silly mistakes I have made, I felt kinda regretted… Anyway things had passed and this is not any important case I would say here =X.

[P/S: Happy Birthday~ Mum]

03 06 2008

A masterpiece of mine when I was bored during exam =.=

Once upon a time
When things just seemed to rhyme
Once upon a fairytale
When magic wands could make things real…

Once upon a lifetime
A time of yours and mine
A life together through joy and pain
Hope not to part again…

Once upon a sweet dream
Of flawless love, a perfect scene
Once upon a love story
Yet another legend of unsolved mystery…

[P/S: Happy Birthday~ I appreciated this day alot]

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